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What We Do


Matt Trott

Davorka Suvak’s SPIRIT program has been a tremendous help to my daughter. She sits straighter, stands stronger, and loves every minute of therapeutic riding. Just as important, she has learned to be matter-of-fact about her disabilities and those of others. SPIRIT’s team is demanding, yet gentle; supportive, but with high expectations. This is a program that strengthens a community and nourishes its needy, in a warm, inclusive environment.

SPIRIT Therapeutic Riding Program has provided our developmentally delayed 5 year old son with an amazing opportunity to mature socially, cognitively and physically as he meets the demands of a challenging and rigorous sport. This unique experience allows him to succeed as a rider, learning to command a large-being, following multi-step directions from professional instructors, that use skilled interventions to promote proper development in individuals with disabilities. This one-on-one experience improves his ability to follow directions, strengthens his muscle tone and improves self-esteem. This organization is clearly on the right track to success in assisting individuals with disabilities. The staff are highly trained compassionate people who have dedicated their lives to a most respectable and self less vocation. They demonstrate the knowledge to provide exemplary service to the community by assisting these children in reaching their highest potential.

The dance goes on

I have been riding with SPIRIT at Frying Pan Park for a little more than a month now and it has been wonderful. Getting back to riding after a winter off has been awesome.

Kind, generous and dedicated volunteers have been there every time my body wobbles too much or a foot comes loose of the stirrups.
We have a new ramp.
In a rainy spring, it has been a blessing to ride at FPP where the ring drains quickly and the paths are enchanting to ride.
Of course, Dada is there, too, leading everyone in this beautiful dance: parents, children, horse and volunteers.

Thanks, all

Matt Trott,
Riding with Dada since ’05
Road to who knows where, Matt’s blog

Our impact this year has changed our community!

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Thank you to our generous sponsors.